
Algorithmic Cryptocurrency Trading SaaS Æsir - roadmap

Mon Apr 04 2022

Thank you for expressing your interest in Æsir. It’s high time we share some exciting news regarding the future of Æsir, and shed some light on the closed beta testing!


Initial dev work on Æsir is coming to a close, which means we will be ready for beta testing soon! During the closed beta, we will select an initial group of up to 50 users to onboard onto the platform, and take it for a spin. You will feed-back any bugs errors or improvements that could be made to the application and we will listen to your feedback and incorporate it in the open beta.

Want to be a beta tester for our algorithmic crypto trading platform? Apply here!

Æsir OPEN BETA - LATE 2022

Once we’ve analysed all of your feedback and squashed the bugs that will have inevitably popped up during the Closed Beta, we will stock up on RedBull and coffee and start working towards an open release.

At this stage, the platform is still in its infancy, while we ensure that the crypto trading algorithms work as expected, and that the tool is stable enough for it to be used consistently. As such, we will limit functionality to the Binance exchange only in the beginning. We feel like it’s better to have a stable release with a smaller number of features in the beginning, as opposed to feature-rich application that only works half the time.

During open beta you will be able to simply create an account, choose a plan and start trading. We will always keep an open-ended communication line during this time via discord (join here), so you can reach out directly to the dev team with any errors, bugs, improvements or questions that you might have.


At this point, even Odin himself is pleased with the application. It’s stable, it’s tested and it’s ready for an official stable release.

Depending of what comes out of the closed and open beta, we may introduce new features and ways in which you can get involved with the project.

Æsir UPDATES - 2023

Our dev journey only just started and we have our work cut out for us. By the end of the year, we aim to add a few key features and improvements to Æsir including: Multi Exchange Support and Social Trading.

Check back in for more Roadmap updates.


©DEM Group 2024